The Indian Council of Australia, Queensland (ICAQ) acknowledges the diversity of multicultural Queensland, and the presence of several community organisations that represent culturally and linguistically diversity within the nation. First and Foremost, ICAQ, Inc. consisting of Indian diaspora acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples cultures and their custodial relationship to the traditional land of this country. Our commitment is to partnership with organisations and communities that build all of us as Queenslanders to fulfil our goals for our families and our communities and for our state in every walk of life.
ICAQ, aspires, expects, and commends its large membership of the Indian diaspora to contribute to a robust nation building, through all their endeavours in social development, raising prosperity, providing enlightened Citizens, and will present view and voice of the Indian Community in Queensland at various forums and networks of strategic importance to the Indian diaspora in the State of Queensland.
Indian Council of Australia Queensland (ICAQ) is an amalgam of many small and big associations and groups that live and made Queensland their home. As migrants living in Queensland, they continue to contribute to agriculture, public services to the schools, higher education, medical profession, allied health, services sector, security, banking, and IT industry to name a few.
Indian diasporas represent the many states of India and in its composition has several sub-groups, representing the home states and geographies in India from where they have travelled to make Queensland their home. Twenty-nine states and seven union territories are India in its composition and many of the Indian diaspora here in Queensland represent a slice of that diversity.
ICAQ, mirrors that diversity and as a platform that celebrates the diversity and identity of the Indian diaspora.
ICAQ recognises a growing need to partake in productive diversity, lead successful endeavours and to live a life with heritage, comraderies in multicultural Queensland.
The objects of the association are:
(1) Share and promote information about the Indian culture in multicultural Australia.
(2) Promote harmony among its various communities.
(3) Organise and promote educational, arts, culture, and sports events.
(4) Make representations to the Government and other organizations on matters affecting the Indian community and wider community.
(5) Represent Indian community at local, State, and National Forums.
(6) Network with Interfaith organizations and promote religious harmony.
(7) Organise festivals and cultural programs related with Indian culture.
(8) Contribute Indian perspectives to issues of common human concern.
(9) Promote a culture of peace and harmony within Multicultural Australia.
(10) Undertake specific social services in the field of child, women, and youth welfare and in the field of ageing.
(11) Undertake specific public education campaigns in areas such as mental health, wellbeing, zero tolerance to violence in families, youth empowerment, community engagement, employment opportunities, and protecting children.
(12) Encourage and initiate integration and assistance programmes to help new citizen- entrants from Indian origin with the assistance of member organisations and groups.
(13) Conduct such programmes of public information that foster better understanding of India and its development.
(14) Assist the State and other formal agencies in meeting the cultural understanding of visiting delegations from India and those that might visit India from Queensland.
(15) Assist with initiatives such as guided India study tour programmes for youth of Indian origin born in Australia and for others from all multicultural communities.